Ricoh GR. Wai King Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1/1000 sec f.5.6 @ ISO 100. Converted to b&w in Photoscape.
I’m finally here in Hong Kong. Actually, I’ve been here for 2 weeks already, but I’m here with my wife (aka Camera Girl) visiting family and taking our annual vacation. I always take this opportunity to review cameras and take pictures, but it’s a matter of work-life balance, even for a street photographer. Every second that I’m free, I run off and take a few pictures, but then I have to remember this is my wife’s vacation time. I haven’t been able to take as many pictures as I want, but that’s ok. I never feel as if I’ve taken ‘enough’ pictures. Hong Kong is an amazing city and I could probably spend a year here and feel I haven’t seen everything.
Both Leica and Fujifilm loaned me some pretty cool cameras to review while I’m here, and I have a couple of my own cameras to shoot with as well. Fujifilm Canada has loaned me the X100T, Leica Canada has loaned me the Leica T, and I have my own Ricoh GR and my iPhone. I won’t be compairing sensor size, megapixels, or AF speeds. To me, these things are inconsequential to taking a great image. If you depend on technology to take your images, you will always be a slave to technology. If you depend on your eyes, your hands, your instinct, and some level of competence and skill as a photographer, you will get great images no matter what camera you’re shooting with.
I was able to shoot a few videos and here’s my first introduction video to Hong Kong. I’ll post a few more before I leave, and hopefully post the rest when I get back to Canada. Thanks again for all your support. To keep up to my day-to-day photography, follow me on my Instagram account. For now, enjoy my latest video:
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