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Showing posts with the label brie_tardlv

Baby Strollers in Full Force in Tokyo

Even just two years ago, you would rarely see baby strollers in busy parts of Tokyo. Maybe at a park or in the suburbs, but never on the Yamanote-sen during rush hour or in the middle of Seibu department store during the week. But in the last two years, I guess it’s become more acceptable and almost trendy to have baby strollers, because now they’re everywhere. In a place as tight and narrow as Japan, this can cause logistical issues, but I’m not to judge. The Japanese will always find a way to make it work…… I took this picture walking along an alley in Roppongi Hills area. I think it was a daycare centre, and all these baby strollers are parked like cars downstairs at the entrance of the garage…. I thought it looked pretty cute. Another iPhone picture…….

How Do You Park Your Bike?

While waiting for my wife while she shopped, I thought I’d walk up and down Robson Street to see if there was anything interesting to shoot.  I noticed a locked up bike against a pole, but it was parked upside-down! What the? Just as I was about to take a picture of it, the owner appeared!  I asked him why he parked his bike that way? He said so his bike doesn’t move around clumsily or fall over….. good idea!!  Who needs a kick-stand right?  The only problem is scratching the leather seat and handlebar grips…… but hey, with a smile like that, does Kwan care about a few scuffs on his sweet fixie? Where’s his bike from? Built by his buddy’s over at Beats and Bikes . Music and bikes. Nice combo……

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