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Showing posts with the label carbon1927

SR Auto Group

I love cars. Unfortunately, I also love photography, music, musical instruments, watches, fashion (especially shoes!!) and books, and bikes and on and on. Because I have so many other interests, I’ve never had all my “play money” in one pot and be able to afford a fancy car. But I do love cars!! My attainable dream car would be a Honda S2K in Honda racing white and red leather seats. A difficult but still attainable dream car would be to import a Honda NSX-R (yes, in Japan the label Acura doesn’t really exist as it was made for the N.American market) in Honda racing white. My over-the-top dream car? Porsche 959 in white…… so nice!! I’m way off topic here……A friend of mine’s friend owns SR Auto Group and as you can see from the link, they have nice cars….. just recently I took my brother (who was visiting from Japan for the holidays) to SR Auto and he got to sit inside a white Lamborghini LP640 Murcielago with a car...

Cool Guys Riding Folding Bikes

Another old, lost picture from previous blog entry…….. I love Osaka because it’s a bike city. My brother goes restaurant and bar hopping with his wife and friends on their bikes. It’s a great way to get around town, and a fun way to burn off some of those extra calories!  I took a picture of these guys because you just wouldn’t see this in N.America (except maybe New York or San Fransisco). Cool guys, or at least trying to project a ‘cool guy’ image, riding folding bikes. I mean, those things are not cool, seriously. Efficient and compact, yes. But cool? What are those, 8″ wheels? But look at the attitude… it’s like they’re on hogs or a nice cruiser……ha ha!! I like both of their shoes though……

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