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Showing posts with the label church_of_booty

Tokyo Trip 2009.... Subject? Food!!

These pictures are from a single 10 day trip to Tokyo in the spring of 2009. I have more pictures, but these give you the overall, general idea of how awesome the food was…… I’ll post pics from my most recent Tokyo trip as well…… food pics I mean…… I’m also thinking of starting up another 30 day project concerning food…. I just don’t know when to start it…… maybe I’ll do it when I’m in Tokyo again in the fall…..

Doing the Splits in Hong Kong!

That’s my wife on the far left walking with her uncle #4 in Hong Kong. The bay area of To Kwa Wan is a popular place for exercise, especially for early morning walks. I was trying to take a nice backwards portrait of my wife and her uncle and was waiting for this older gentleman to pass by, but he decided to stop…..and then stretch…..really stretch!! I thought to myself, if you’re not going to leave my picture frame, I’m going to frame you into my picture!!

